Everything Else

An unsuccessful person’s take on what it means to be successful.

Why quantity seems to always erode quality.

The sacrifice of the individual at the altar of the group.

If you reflect someone else’s light you never know why you do what you do.

The sieves you use to see the world determine the world you see.

The expansion and contraction of the things that bring pleasure.

The difference between holding strong opinions and imposing them.

The conflict between collective good and individual choice.

How friendship and acquaintanceship differ.

What it really means to say someone or something is ‘important’

Finding value in dissatisfaction

The source of motivation is pain; the consequence is indifference.

Attachment isn’t caring – it’s the opposite of it.

The test of authenticity is calling the die before it’s cast.

Whether symbolism is worthless.

Not all work is worship.

Gray isn’t better than black and white.

Without theory, practice is impractical.

“The world is a museum of passion projects” – a reminder not just to be grateful, but to be careful

A fence is not just an obsolete relic to be torn down carelessly.

Existing between unbearable lightness and unendurable heaviness.

A lot of what I’ve written is derived from the decision tree.

What makes an action a transaction.

You could have what you want, if you could just stop wanting it.

What work that creates impact looks, and feels like.