Everything Else

How easy it is to live on autopilot.

What you measure can end up managing you.

Making sense of revenge.

Convincing someone and being right aren’t the same thing.

Wanting to want something.

There’s more than the one evil of ignorance.

The Rarity and worth of something aren’t always the same.

You lose when you see life as competition.

Feigning indifference is not the same as equanimity, and isn’t an optimal approach.

Sometimes the kindest course of action is cruel.

Not taking the future for granted.

Having expectations isn’t wrong.

Whether there’s any point of suffering.

A short children’s storybook can sometimes be more than the biggest so-called self-help books

Trying to describe ‘Kafkaesque’

A sacrifice is invisible to the one who makes it.

Truths aren’t relative.
Everything isn’t simply a perspective, and all perspectives aren’t equal.

Which matter more – consequences or intentions?

How Words Shape Actions and People

Knowing and thinking reinforce each other.

How few are the things that really matter.

Actions are like stones; they create ripples in a pond.
Try seeing the ripples before throwing the stone

Aiming for Objectivity.

Shunning hyped expectations without being jaded.

Choose to fish, not to be fed fish.