The performativeness of the third person POV
Happiness, Unalike
Happiness need not be alike.
Friendship, without Transaction
Friendship, devoid of transactionality..
Ethics on the Assembly Line
What is rational, optimal and even ethical in an ordinary interaction is rarely so on the assembly line of interactions.
Books that Wound
The relation between the unhappy and the interesting in writing.
Character and Suffering
Whether character comes from suffering, and whether it’s worth suffering for.
Writing Specifically, for No one
Writing on narrower themes, for no one.
Checking Privilege Checking
The implications of privilege, and its checking.
Causality precedes prescription
Whether deliberation makes something unnatural, and whether it’s enough to be genuine to be natural.
Discipline and truth, force and natural inclination.
Chesterton’s Neighbour
The neighbour as a metaphor against elitism and abstraction
The terms and conditions for caring.
Valuable Work
The question of what to work on.
Markets are about voting.
Faith Without a Point
Keeping faith amidst pointlessness.
Recognizing Value by Valuing Recognition
Recognition isn’t devoid of value.
The Automation of Work
What the automation of work entails – for work and for people.
Brilliance via Adornments
“For if anything becomes brilliant by additions thereto, the praise for the brilliance belongs to the additions.”
Choosing Plunges
Does it matter if a plunge is chosen or not?
Irony as an easy way out.
Sincerity With a Motive
Not all sincerity is the same.
Abstraction ≠ Objectivity
Correcting the mistake of confusing abstraction for objectivity.
Taking Offence
The stupidity of seeking and taking offence.
The Ethic Hierarchy
What being ethical actually means.