
I love weight-training, reading and writing books, adopting cats, and occasionally, when I have time (not so hard) and company (much harder) play tennis/table tennis, soccer, badminton or basketball.

I studied Civil Engineering at IIT Kanpur (2013-17), and did my MBA from IIM Ahmedabad (2017-19) after that. I secured AIR-21 in the CSE 2019 and will be joining the Indian Administrative Service. I’m currently working as a risk analyst and have written a few books, which are on this site.

But this site isn’t about me. If I’ve put my picture and told you this much about myself, it’s only so that you have some idea of the person whose content you’re spending your precious time on.

What’s this site?

This is where I host my books and blogs (which I’ll get around to writing one day). I dabble in both fiction and non-fiction.

My books – both fiction and non-fiction are based on ideas. I don’t write “motivational” books because I don’t believe in them, nor do I write about people.

I don’t write books about exams because I think there’s more to life, and more to me, than the exams I’ve cleared. But I know many of you will have questions regarding them, so I’ve created a separate section on this site for that. I’ll check it regularly and do my best to respond to questions.

If you do decide to spend your time and money on my books, please don’t let it be because of my academic qualifications. They have nothing to do with whether I write well.

Don’t take my word for it. You’ll find an option to preview my books on most sites before you make up your mind. Take a peek to see if you like them. And if you don’t, I’ll welcome your constructive feedback and try to improve my content.